Our tours are done in the Rainforest in wild and remote areas, some with limited or no communication access. you must understand that some of our trips carry ‘risks’ that are inherent within the activity. Our team is trained and experienced enough to recommend to you what is best to minimize any risk, please during trips follow the guide suggestions and don’t push to do activities that can increase any risk. For example, to go out walking when it is raining, it’s better not to (it is way better wildlife and safety-wise to go out when the rain stops)

Due to our strict safety policy, we don’t organize or sell tours for Zip-lining, Canopy walks, or any other similar ones, this is due to the lack of regulation of the Peruvian Government and Canopy and Zip-Lining providers take advantage of a Legal Vacuum.

We also highly recommend you take out adequate travel insurance. Please ensure your policy covers the activities you are doing, not all policies do.

Because our tours are in remote and wild places, transportation is expensive and, in some cases, very difficult, therefore all our tours are operated in “groups” shared services, this is to minimize the operating cost and make the prices of the tours more economical and affordable.

However, we always think about your comfort and a superior experience, trying to keep a low number of participants in the group. In any case, the number should not exceed 8 participants per group per Naturalist guide.


The names “3 days 2 nights”, “4 days 3 nights”, “5 days 4 nights,” or any other similar one, DOES NOT have a literal meaning; it is just the name of a tour for general understanding; all Tours are based to start after midday on the first day, on last day tours departures back to the city is after breakfast, this is due to a universal check-in and check out of rooms, also because of the remote areas and the prohibitive cost of transportation, especially on the rivers our shuttles are as follows:

Shuttle number 1 departs around 5 am for the 8x am flights

shuttle number 2: departs between 8-9 am; considering the midmorning or midday flights, guests with a 5x pm flight or a night bus must also leave with this one*

*We provide full assistance in town until it is time for the transfer to the airport or bus station

TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THAT if you book the 8 -9 a.m. flight for arrival, you may have to wait until later for the other participants to arrive on the later flights (we provide full assistance and a city tour ). If you book the 5 p.m. flight for departure, you will also have to make time in the city since we return to the city with the midmorning shuttle. This also applies to guests who arrive by bus.



Sometimes we do more shuttles a day, like delayed flights for arrival or late arrival; this is highly restricted to operational boat availability and regulations, though, for example, we run our tours inside the Tambopata National Reserve, and by regulations, a Naturalist certified guide must be with you all the time.

For emergencies, delayed flights, late flights, or technical issues, the transfer can be done partially by the river and partially by road.

If you need, wish, or do not want to take the scheduled shuttle, you can ask for a later or earlier departure based on your interest, flight time, or bus schedule and spend more time in the lodge. You can also ask for a private shuttle that includes a custom boat to the city and transfer to the airport, hotel, or bus station. The price may vary depending on your requirements and availability; this may cost from 100 – 500 USD.

For us to be able to accept a tour reservation, we must have three availabilities:

1: Room available

2: Bilingual Naturalist Guide

3: Adequate transportation

Only with these three characteristics can we accept the reservation to what we call “operational availability.”

All our tours start from Puerto Maldonado, and we pick you up from the airport, hotel, and bus station. Some hotels are in the countryside or kilometers away from town, and this will have additional costs. The tour will start when all the tour participants are together; the latest flight we wait for is the 12-1 p.m. one, so in case of  a reasonable time delay, we don’t wait; we schedule another backup shuttle or transfer


To give you a stress-free experience, we will no longer ask for advance payments or deposits. We understand that you could only cancel for a good reason, and the loss for you would be more significant if you added domestic flights, bus transportation, and other inconsiderate tour providers.


If you cancel only because you found a “better-deal” tour provider, that’s fine too; we are highly confident of the quality and exclusivity of our services, and our itineraries are unrivaled
Once we accept a tour Booking with email confirmation, you can be confident that we will comply. We do not cancel it for any reason, only you have the power to cancel or modify dates.
We only ask for one condition: As soon as you are sure that they will not arrive, send us a message or email. This way, we will minimize our loss. Simply not saying anything and not showing up would be very selfish and cruel to us.
With your flight or bus already booked, it is a very powerful sign that you will come, and it is all we need!!


since there is no advance payment or deposits, this does not apply, although this can be done in the rare event that we don’t comply fully with the tour. It never happened, but in case of not delivering the activities offered within the itinerary, we would not hesitate.


For all our tours, you  will have to repack and bring only the stuff you need for the trip; this is because all luggage is carried by hand and shoulders up and down to the boat and the rooms; please avoid bringing wheeled luggage, backpack, and duffels are the perfect bags to bring

Mosquito repellent: On average, 15% DEET works very well, always in spray form. Mosquito repellent in natural formula usually does not work well, but DEET is proven to work.

Flashlights: Headlamps recommended

Sandals or flip flops: these are for boat trips and to be inside the lodge where shoes are not allowed; sandals are perfect for hot days

A Hat or a cap with a string since the wind in the boat can blow it

Plastic rain poncho: Please keep in mind that rain jackets do not work for the rainforest; the best option is a plastic poncho for rain.

Long socks: for the rubber boots we provide in the rainy season when trails are muddy or flooded.

Bottle for refilling water: We are committed to eliminating plastic as much as possible. We don’t provide one-use bottles nor sell them, and at our lodges, we have plenty of filtered and treated water to refill.

Due to humidity, a windbreaker might get very cold in the boat, mainly because of the wind.

Long and short clothes: Short clothes for the lodge and long for the hikes and boat trips.

Please feel free to email us with any questions or further details at
 will be very happy to assist you.